XL Girls Review

If your looking for Big Tit Models with just a little extra, your going to cream our pants, because XL Girls has been shooting AND discovering some of the prettiest Chubby and BBW Busty Models for over a decade. I mean, the talent on this website is just epic! Please check out the video review for the full jist of what your going to be getting when you become a member of this Premiere Naturally Busty BBW website! Ok here we go with the review! I went straight for the movies when I got in and boy, let me tell ya that in addition to multiple downloadable formats, 480p and 720p, that I was also able to post comments about the site, as well as read what others had posted. As with all of the sites in the Score universe, you have a nifty little flash preview to check out the scene beforehand if you wish. You can rate the movies too.


As far as the pictures go, the quality is fantastic and there are over 100 pages of Exclusive Photosets of your favorite models to be had. You can also download the .zip files if you don’t want to go through every set by hand. The expansive model directory is browsable by alphabet or rating, making things pretty easy as far as navigation. If your totally ga ga over a model you can see, but not view, every set that she has ever done for Score. Again, to get the full experience, you might snag another site when you join for the expanded experience. There is a “Specials” are where you cn check out special sets that the girls have done for the XL website over time. If your not sure, from the get to, about if your favorite model is featured, you can go right up top for the search feature. Also hen searching, you can filter the results as well. Basically every tool that you need for an “outta this world” experience. I got the full package when I reviewed these sites and it was literally mindblowing, how much tit I had at my disposal. It was like I was a kid at the candystore.

In closing, at least for now, until I can review other Busty BBW websites, XL is a shining star in a sea of bullshit sites with recycled conent and zero passion with the Big Tit BBW niche. I give it a solid 9.5 when taking everything into account. As always, with the Score reviews, I opted for the Score HD clips. Without Score HD, the movies on the XL Girls website are standard definition and are actually great quality, encoded in .mov or .wmv files.

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